About Us
Maine natives, Ron & Nancy Chase currently reside in Topsham, Maine, and have two grown sons, a daughter-in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters. Both are semi-retired. They have hiked, biked, kayaked, canoed, and skied extensively in New England for over 40 years and shared adventures throughout the United States, Quebec, eastern Canada, Scotland, France, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Costa Rica. Both have an abiding love of the outdoors.
Nancy, formerly Treasurer of the Maine Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), is currently active in the Penobscot Paddle and Chowder Society (PPCS) as newsletter editor and a Trip Coordinator. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Internal Auditor, Nancy is a graduate of the University of Maine, Augusta. She is the erstwhile Executive Director of the Maine Brain Injury Foundation, a retired bank auditor, and currently a self-employed CPA.
Ron, a graduate of the University of Maine, is retired from the Internal Revenue Service. A freelance writer, he has authored three books: Maine Al Fresco – The Fifty Finest Outdoor Adventures in Maine published by North Country Press, The Great Mars Hill Bank Robbery published by Down East Books, and Mountains for Mortals – New England published by Menasha Ridge Press. He currently writes an outdoor column for four Maine newspapers entitled Seniors Not Acting Their Age and has contributed numerous articles to several magazines and newspapers. He has served as President and Vice-President of the PPCS and is currently the Treasurer and a frequent Trip Coordinator. Formerly a Registered Maine Guide, he was previously active in the AMC as Canoe Chair and a Trip Leader. He is also self-employed as a Tax Consultant.